
The Yobots, affectionately named Squint & Wowzer, make everything happen around here.  They’ve been my homies since 2015 when they were born out of the album cover for It’s Wes Smith Yo - The Album and a subsequent Burning Man regional project grant.

Real world Yobots were funded by a Burning Man regional art grant in 2016.  I built the LED version prototypes based on the Jelly Fish that were featured on the cover of my 2016 album, It’s Wes Smith Yo.  I made the prototypes out of huge orange jelly fish kites filled with balloons and cheap LEDs from Amazon.  From this I designed the LED version for the grant.  I was blown away I got the grant. 

I had the domes fabricated from PVC, learned a lot about LEDs, power supplies, audio sensors and laser cutting for the headphones.  I built the two versions from scratch.  Sadly, they no longer work, as Burning Man got the better of them as did my brain after 5 trips.  They are now hanging out in my studio, forever providing DIY inspiration.  I later made a more economical version from neon orange fabric that was more road friendly.  Enjoy!

Squint & Wowzer Dayglo

Squint & Wowzer LED

Squint @ Burning Man

Wowzer @ Burning Man